Partner Jennifer L. Anderson recently presented at two labor and employment law seminars.
The first, an online seminar titled "Wage & Virtual Hour Summit: Advanced FLSA Compliance Strategies," was presented by and M. Lee Smith Publishers and took place July 22, 2009. The virtual summit covered such topics as reducing exposure to wage and hour liabilities, defining work time, white collar exemptions, FLSA exemptions, and various wage and hour questions.
Ms. Anderson also presented at the 14th Annual Advanced Employment Issues Symposium, held September 17–18, 2009, in Nashville, Tennessee. The event was also hosted by and M. Lee Smith Publishers. Ms. Anderson delivered presentations titled "DOL Audits and Wage & Hour Lawsuits are Hotter than Ever: Spot and Avoid the Most Common Traps;" "Exempt vs. Nonexempt: The Million-Dollar-Plus Question (if a Lawsuit Ensues);" and "Your Hottest Wage and Hour Questions."