Baton Rouge public finance partner, Regina Hamilton, is participating in Leadership Louisiana as a member of the class of 2006. Leadership Louisiana is a nationally recognized program of the Council for a Better Louisiana that seeks individuals who demonstrate an interest and willingness to lead, who are civic-minded, and who share some measure of responsibility and commitment to help Louisiana move forward. Leadership Louisiana leaves its graduates with a renewed commitment to their communities and state with more access to strategic information, intellectual resources, and a vast network of talented and successful individuals. With over 665 alumni, the program is entering its 18th year. The Leadership Louisiana program involves six two-day sessions scheduled every other month from January through November. Program participants come from all major geographic areas and reflect the diverse mix of the state's population and represent every sector: corporate, professional, government, finance, news media, education, industry, health care, legal, university, political, culture and non-profit.
Ms. Hamilton is an appointed Louisiana representative for the SBA's Office of the National Ombudsman, serves as secretary of the Academic Distinction Fund Board of Directors and serves also on the board of directors for the Manship Theatre, and was one of eight influential women who received the 2004 Women in Business Award by the Baton Rouge Business Report.