New Orleans television station WWL-TV aired a segment on November 26, 2007, naming the city’s ten most powerful men and women, based on a poll of 30 local community activists, leaders, and analysts, half of which were African American and half of which were female. Bill Hines made the list in part because of his tireless service on community boards as well as his role in bringing the Hornets back to the city. Others named to the Ten Most Powerful list were Dr. Norman Francis, Xavier University President; Jim Letten, U.S. Attorney; Scott Cowen, Tulane University President; Bobby Jindal, current Congressman and Governor-Elect; Anne Milling, civic activist; Joe Canizaro, commercial real estate developer and chairman of the board of a local bank; Mary Landrieu, Louisiana senior Senator; Paul Pastorek, state education superintendent; John Alario, state Representative.