Mike Magner, a partner on the Corporate Compliance & White Collar Defense Team in the New Orleans office, was quoted in Law360, NOLA.com, and a widely-distributed Associated Press article on the dismissal of a case where two scientists, including firm client Dr. Ehab Meselhe, were wrongly accused of stealing a complex computer model from the Water Institute of the Gulf. Mike commends the Department of Justice for dismissing the case and discusses how an innocent man was arrested because the FBI and the government were misled by people with their own agendas. Both Mike and Dr. Meselhe are pleased with the outcome of the case, and Dr. Meselhe is eager to return to work and dedicate his time to saving and restoring the Louisiana coast.
Jones Walker held a press conference July 16, 2019, covering the case dismissal, and a press release was issued with more details.