Affordable Housing partners Antoinette M. “Toni” Jackson, Rick A. Lazio, and Amanda Spain Wells all spoke at the Novogradac Affordable Housing Tax Credit Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, on October 1-2, 2015. Mr. Lazio moderated the panel discussion, "Rebuilding after Disaster: Lessons Learned from Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy," discussing how to better advocate for effective housing responses in the aftermath of natural disasters, where the investment and developer opportunities are, and what specific products, if any, should be developed to address the needs of a community in recovery. Ms. Wells served on the same panel. Ms. Jackson served on the panel, "Fair Housing and the LIHTC," which examined the recent Supreme Court "disparate impact" ruling, HUD's final rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing and their potential effect on future developments and allocation policies.