Partners Robert Bailey Acomb, Jr., Glenn G. Goodier, and Grady S. Hurley will each present at the 23rd Biennial Admiralty Law Institute hosted by the Tulane University School of Law, March 23–25, 2011, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The three day event focuses on the topic of "Maritime Catastrophes: Marine Investigation & Mass Claims Practice" and covers a wide range of material, including "Developments in Cargo Law," "Maritime Catastrophes and Responses," "Ethical Issues in Catastrophic Incidents," and "Piracy." As chairman of the planning committee, Mr. Acomb will make the opening remarks, Mr. Hurley will act as facilitator of "Current Maritime Release Issues: The Effects of AmClyde and Medicare Secondary Payer Act," and Mr. Goodier will make a presentation on the topic of "Professionalism: The High Water Mark."