Twenty-three Jones Walker attorneys have been listed in the 2014 edition of Mid-South Super Lawyers, seven of whom are listed as "Rising Stars." In addition, Kristina M. Johnson was listed as one of the "Top 50 Female Attorneys" in the Mid-South.
The Mississippi-based Jones Walker attorneys listed in 2014 Mid-South Super Lawyers include:
George F. Bloss, III, Personal Injury Medical Malpractice: Defense
Trent S. Favre, General Litigation
Henry F. Laird, Jr., Business Litigation
Joseph L. Adams, Employment & Labor
Jeffrey R. Barber, Bankruptcy: Business
Neville H. Boschert, Business Litigation
Chad J. Hammons, Creditor Debtor Rights
Mark D. Herbert, Construction Litigation
Kristina M. Johnson, Bankruptcy: Business
Craig N. Landrum, Banking
J. Leray McNamara, Personal Injury Medical Malpractice: Defense
Keith R. Raulston, Business Litigation
Thomas B. Shepherd, III, Gaming
Adam Stone, Construction Litigation
Jim B. Tohill, Real Estate
Randall B. Wall, Government Finance
The seven attorneys selected as 2014 Mid-South Rising Stars include:
Lindsay Thomas Dowdle, Employment & Labor
Stephanie C. Edgar, Health Care
J. Andrew Gipson, Business/Corporate
Susan Floyd King, Environmental
Christopher S. Pace, Business/Corporate
Sabrina B. Ruffin, Business Litigation
Jason W. Bailey, Real Estate